英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:16:15
  • 网络解释

1. teem with什么意思

1. 有很多...,充满:scores of许多 | teem with有很多 ...,充满 ... | the majority of大多数


2. 充满:Interior: 内部 | Teem with: 充满 | Antibiotics: 抗生素

3. 富于,充满:teemvi.大量出现,涌现 | teem with 富于,充满 | telecommunication n.电信,电信学

4. 充满;富于:take over 接管 | teem with 充满;富于 | tension 紧张局势;紧张状况

  • 临近词

By the way, the waters off Australia seem to teem with all kinds of monsters.(顺便说一下,在澳大利亚海域似乎天河城广场与各种怪物。)
The British islands teem with potatoes and codfish, and the low prices made them become a stock meal among working classes.(地处岛国的英伦盛产马铃薯和鳕鱼,由于两者便宜的价格,成为了工头供给工人们的工作便餐。)
The deep blue sky with dense trailing stars did teem.(湛蓝的天上拖着密密的星。)
Mr Obama's offices teem with helpers from out of state.(奥巴马的竞选办公室,就挤满了从外州赶来帮忙的人。)
The earth’s tropics teem with species. They’re far more biologically diverse than the cooler parts of the planet.(地球的热带地区物种繁多,这里的生物种类远比地球上较寒冷的地方多得多。)
Othello. O devil, devil! If that the earth could teem with woman's tears, Each drop she falls would prove a crocodile. Out of my sight!(奥瑟罗啊,魔鬼!魔鬼!要是妇人的眼泪有孳生化育的力量,她的每一滴泪,掉在地上,都会变成一条鳄鱼。走开,不要让我看见你!)
Unlike, say, Hemingway's or Mailer's, his life doesn't exactly teem with incident.(比如他并不像海明威和梅勒的生活那样充满变故。)
The underground caverns teem with small life-forms that the Sullustans hunt for sources of food and clothing. The few predators that wander the planet's surface rarely venture underground.(许多小生物生存在地下洞穴中,萨卢斯特人猎取它们以得到食物和衣料,在行星的地面上游荡的一些捕食者则极少探察地下。)
The walls, desks, and ceilings of his classrooms teem with projects, from field guides on local wildlife to human-powered submarines.(他们教室里墙上,桌子上,和天花板上布满了各种作业项目,从当地野生动物的观察指南到人力潜水艇等等。)
That is because readers immersed in a storyline want above all not to be interrupted, and all online media teem with distractions (even a hyperlink is an interruption).(这是因为,当读者沉浸在故事情节之中时,他们是不希望被外界打扰的,而所有的在线媒体都充斥着各种干扰(即使一个超链接也会成为某种影响)。)
teem with是什么意思 teem with在线翻译 teem with什么意思 teem with的意思 teem with的翻译 teem with的解释 teem with的发音 teem with的同义词